Watched Precious today. Not as good as I expected.
My brother joined in during the last 20 minutes of the movie and COMPLETELY spoiled it cos it was when the mum realises she's wrong and wants to reconcile with Precious but Bigp is totally not having any of her shit.
And my brother is there like...
"Shit... she's really damn fat."
-weepweepweep in the movie-
"She looks like a gorilla"
-more weepweepweep-
"Eh she's damn fat"
Eventually, i join in. (altho mine was more factual)
"You know, just now got some parts in their house damn dark then Precious damn black i couldn't see shit"
shake me. 10:39 PM.
I hate it when I try so hard to forget something, only to remember it later on, along with all the emotions and shit.
shake me. 10:35 PM.
Despite being a lit student for about 6 years now, I still have doubts about it. Like, sometimes when Damo or whichever lit teacher explains the text or poem it's like WTF? Like completely anyhow just make up shit. Take Pinter's play for example. Everyone knew it was crap then suddenly one critic said it's damn good or sth and the rest began to see meaning. It's really like making something out of NOTHING which is damn annoying. Hahaha. Pinter speaks like darth vadar btw.
Anyway, I'm sick at home today. My mucus never give chance. I think i got it from Emma. HAHA.
Also, Saeful let me hear a very very very bad song today that had a very very very haunting tune to it and afterwards while i was in the living room. alone. at. home. i was really FUCKING scared. the song was about a boy and his father. wtf.
Lastly, Mr k is leaving us because the math department or whatever feels that he cant help us. So bitchfromhell (i think, altho it has not been confirmed) is going to replace him. It's a sad, sad day for all.
shake me. 9:52 PM.
Why he so funny?Saeful says:
Sarah Ng kiu ti
kiu ti pai sarah
sarah kiu ti pai
sarah soh kiu
sarah soh Pi Ti
okay thai sarah
Sarah Ngsoprettycan
Sarah Kiutestgirlindworldsak
✯rah says:
Saeful says:
japanese lets try
✯rah says:
you are fucking funny
Saeful says:
Sarah Kiuto
Sarah Kiuto kanotanko
(cute, cannot tank)
Sarah Otukiut
(oh too cute)
Saeful says:
Sarah Cutezcsh
sarah Dbeszcth
(the best)
shake me. 10:12 PM.
Sup. For school today we sat at the canteen tables and chatted and laughed. It's been a long time since we did that. Mr Tan eventually called judders over when he heard par SHOUTING about sth about lesbians and told her to tell us to not laugh so loudly because we have to think of other people's welfare. The canteen wasnt really thattttt crowded laaaa. hahahhahaha. it was fucking funny.
Had a mock exam today. I wanted to stab myself with the pen instead.
I've been bringing my new awesome pink file to school recently and it makes me happy. :)
shake me. 9:08 PM.
Last night, Jdawg and I headed over to Kenboy's 18th bash. Met a couple of friends we knew from his 17th bash. (Hi omar! Hi Ethan! Hi Taylor! Hi americanboy! Hi Shelley! Hi Taogay! Hi Abel! Hi Joshua!)Also met ken's new gurlfwennnnand we had tons of fun before heading out to meet the girls. We decided to bring the boys over and Joshua has VIP access so he brought us in. Raied made his 7 friends go to B instead of Z for me so i felt really bad when they couldnt get in cos it was full. Sowie raied......................................... :(Anyway Justine, Val and I sat ourselves at the dinner table and ate and ate and ate (Sushi and sashimi) They had a chef in the porch doing Indian food but i had to pass because of the CB diet we started (No fastfood,ice cream or prata)the boys waited up for us by setting up lan shop in ken's room.
me and Emma
me and thenewgirlfriendWe were eating and i was gonna cut j's bread and butter pudding when she turned the lazy susan and justine shouted "MINUS 10 POINTS" HAHAHHA. never give chance.
Cousin Love
Saint & Justine(Saint is fucking funny and cute. he reminds us of Zach)
LOL nice face.
In the karaoke room. Check out my aunt's drawings.
The tv is crazy big. Like... SERIOUSLY.
Hans & Sarah take a photo 1"EH fuck you la omar you never tell me my hair spoil.""okok again"
HAHAHA.btw hans is called omar cos i kinda forgot his name.
Boo & Boo
Taogay (up till now, which is a year later, i still dunno if thats his real name)but this boy damn cunning. take some picture of me at the angle where my boobs damn big.
Benwang & Chubi
Justine and Sarah
I lost mybigass earring. :(nice hair BTW.
this picture was not planned.
Taylor, Shelley, Taogay, Boo
Me and Boo
Cousin Love
More Cousin Love
NO MORE COUSIN LOVE (altho i think i was the one who took the photo. HAHAHA)
Val decided to dress like a maid ytd.
Kenneth's birthday....stuff.
kenboy & friends
more friends"Kiss kiss kiss!""ok we sit down"
Family Photo
On our way ^^
the boyz
the bus ride was bad. i kept laughing at this guy who looked like a bouncer (bald,buff and dressed in tight black shirt)"EH HE GONNA BOUNCE US OUT OF THE BUS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH"j was pretty embarrassed
Raied & Friend(eh sorry laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
no bra AGAIN.
justine and joshua
Look at par's skankface.
cleaning up Nadia's GG
"Eh taylor, you going NDP ah""Eh sarah, you going funeral ah"HAHAHAHAHA. cb boy.
The next morning
In val's clothes and shoez so cuteee
Jdawg went back to sleep.
The boys playing mousehunt on fb.
"I went on wikipedia to do research on mousehunt. My route is not the most efficient"IB boys........................................... HAHAHAH.
shake me. 2:40 PM.